Today, worldwide scientific societies focusing on dentists and specialists in orthodontics recommend that the child’s first visit with a specialist orthodontist should take place no later than the age of 7 years, or even earlier, if diagnosed with any orthodontic problem.
Make sure that your child – if 7 years of age – has already had a first consultation appointment with an orthodontist!
However, depending on the nature of the orthodontic problem, the first visit may take place at the age of 2-3 years. At this stage of child development, orthodontic treatment need not be taken yet, but only at a later date. Early diagnosis, however, allows the orthodontist to evaluate malocclusion and an orthodontic treatment plan appropriate in due course. Thanks to early diagnosis at a young age, orthodontic problems can be avoided in later years. Indeed, practice shows that early intervention allows you to shorten orthodontic treatment in subsequent years, thus making them less complex.
You should know that already in the first years of life in children can have malocclusions that qualify for orthodontic treatment. Among them we can distinguish: underbite, crossbite, open bite, bite deep or also undershot.
The first signs that indicate that you should go with your child to the orthodontist:
- crowding (overlapping of) teeth or their incorrect position,
- protrusion (excessive deflection of the front teeth in the direction of the lips),
- deep bite (too deep overlapping upper teeth on the bottom),
- early or late loss of baby teeth,
- thumb or finger sucking,
- problems with the correct pronunciation,
- problems with biting or chewing,
- grinding of teeth,,
- gnashing of teeth,
- missing teeth,
- signs of wear of the enamel.
Early diagnosis in your child’s orthodontic problem allows the orthodontist to:
- improve harmful oral habits,
- reduce the risk of injury when the teeth are in protrusion,
- improve the appearance and well-being,
- align permanent teeth in place,
- improve the orientation of the lips.